Archive for July, 2011

The Old Republic on the Brain

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on July 29, 2011 by callmechill

Sounds like Teo liked the story. That was cool. 

Not sure if I would call it fanfic or not. When I think of fanfic, I think of two things:

1) The further adventures of (insert writer’s favorite character) or

2) Porn starring all the main characters. 

While set in the Star Wars world, for me the fun was playing with point-of-view. Of course, I do have more ideas for where Geewun could go next. 🙂

I think most of all I am just excited for TOR and have been immersing myself in TOR sites and podcasts. It gives you ideas. 

Anyway, in WoW I did the Firelands dailies, ran an AB with Teo, Hyp and other guildies, and did a random (not-yet-heroic) with Chillshot. Got her a good gun, too. Makes a difference. 

Maintenance Wars episode I

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on July 29, 2011 by callmechill

RK-G1 moved along the corridor slowly, cleaning the floor, as was its function.

*As is your function,* its inhibitor system reminded it, as it did every 1.4 million processor cycles, or every 0.00003 seconds. 

Geewun let out an annoyed chirp. For some reason, this particular reminder was more annoying than the others.  Perhaps its inhibitor was a little wonky. 

And why not? It suggested to itself. Everything else in this place is aging and prone to breaking down.

It continued down the corridor, slowly scouring the floor.  Aging or not, enjoying it or not, Geewun was fiercely proud of the cleanliness of its section.

A young man-newly fully grown, as far as Geewun could tell-opened up a utility door and stepped into the corridor. He was pale and moved with a strange caution. He also held a stick in his hand, which glowed brightly. 

Worse, Geewun’s sensors assured him that this stick could burn through anything it touched.

Far worse than this, the young man was dripping sweat on his newly-cleaned floor.

*Not on my floor , you…* Geewun started to think before his inhibitor cut him off. 

The man moved off, and Geewun followed him, sterilizing the floor behind him.

Soon the young man reached a small room. It was Geewun’s favorite part of its cleaning section, featuring a large window that often allowed delicious photons in to be absorbed by its secondary energy processor. Also Geewun simply liked being able to see; much of its work was in dimly lit areas where he moved by preprogrammed knowledge of the area. 

The young man was met by a very large man. This one was all in black. Without warning a large unit on the wall tore away and sped towards the  young man. 

What was that? Geewun wondered.  The young man turned and tried to deflect the object with his stick. But he was unsuccessful; it struck him and then spun away, shattering Geewun’s favorite window. 

No! Geewun thought. It put out a message to Maintenance Central to alert them to the damage. 

The pressure differential rushed air out the hole, and Geewun reflected that at least most of the shattered glass would not have to be cleaned off the floor.  It was going to be quite a job to fix this mess. 

More objects were being hurled by some invisible force towards the young man, and Geewun realized that it was the large man in black doing the hurling. How was unclear. 

Then his internal movement sensors screamed at him as he was lifted up in the air and thrown at the young man. He struck the man’s elbow, and though it was not its own fault it felt obliged to give a small chirrup of apology. The human probably never heard it over the rushing air. 

Geewun spun right out the hole of its favorite window. Below, it well knew, was a lot of nothing. 

In less than half a second Geewun was further from its appointed cleaning area than it had been in eight yearcycles, when a major motivator blowout had required it to go to the station’s central engineering department. Though it was embarrassing to be seen pushed around the station by a truck droid, Geewun had treasured the new sights and sounds, and had replayed those memories often, sifting them for new data. 

This too was new, falling down the large hole. There wasn’t much to record, but Geewun did see some holes along the walls of the shaft.

Some of these holes had open hatches, and a wind pressure pushed Geewun towards one of these. 

Geewun smashed hard onto the side of the opening, but happily ended up inside the side-shaft. While it started a program to determine any damage caused by the accident, it continued to slide down this new tunnel.  

Just when it had stopped, a new hatch opened beneath him and it fell. 

It was in the open air. The only object nearby was an antenna of some kind. Geewun tossed its extensible arm out, and snagged it.

As it hung there, Geewun contemplated that it would likely be some time before he was discovered. His sensors picked up damage on the antenna, and it seemed to be sagging slightly under his weight. 

Another hatch opened nearby. Geewun was about to call for help when the young man fell out onto another antenna.

He would not be helping Geewun any time soon. He was hanging upside-down and seemed to be missing part of his arm. 

Remarkably, a ship, shaped roughly like a garbage-unit lid, came and slid directly under the young man. 

Geewun ran some probability algorithms and came to the conclusion that dropping onto the ship was safer than waiting for a rescue that might not come. It dropped to the roof with a clang, at the same time the young man fell.

As another man came out and pulled the young man into the bowels of the ship. Geewun electronically signalled for help. 

His cry was answered.  An astromech in the ship, R2-D2, heard him. 

*I would like to be let in,* Geewun said. 

*Not possible right now,* R2-D2 replied.   *We are going to be under attack. I am pinging a magnetic plate. Go to it and I will activate it. Do anything possible to hang on.*

Geewun quickly rolled over to the plate. The electronic signal was as clear as a siren to it. Geewun signalled R2-D2 and felt itself be locked onto the hull. 

R2-D2 gave Geewun its apologies, and explained that it now had to see to the safety of the ship. 

Geewun was wondering what would happen next. It also wondered when its diagnostics would be finished. The ship was already moving quite quickly, and Geewun decided it could be a long time before it saw its beloved window again. 

Hunter 85

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on July 28, 2011 by callmechill

Chillshot the hunter is now 85!

All my 8 Wrath 80s are now 85. 

I like the new Camouflage ability. Should be a big help. 

I got a couple of pets to round out my stable, notably a spider and a core hound. 

What will I do with her now? I’m not sure. Possibly PVP if I have enough time. 

Quickie post

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on July 27, 2011 by callmechill

Did my Firelands dailies on Chillhand. Hooray. 

Also did last Argent Tournament dailies on Chilldeed. Once she grinds some rep, then Crusader will be hers. 

Finally, Chillshot is within spitting distance of 85. Enjoying BM a lot. 

Rogue/Rogue Arena

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on July 26, 2011 by callmechill

Got Firelands dailies done on Chillhand. 

On Chilldeed, one more day and she’s done with Argent dailies. 

More importantly, Skove and I did our arenas. We did okay, I think 8-6 or so. Got legs; will now start saving Conquest points for weapons, which will open up on a couple of weeks.

We had a variety of matches, winning both by taking down a healer and by taking down a DPS while cc’ing the healer. And of course going against 2 DPS. 

Half our losses were against a ret pally/feral druid team. They simply have too much survivability, and our survivability is based on cooldowns. Still we came close on two occasions, really close on one.

Hunter Boss-Death Not Feigned

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on July 25, 2011 by callmechill

Solid half-weekend.

Paranoid got its first Firelands boss down!  Shannox, the patting boss, went down smoothly, after only a couple of attempts. This was good because I had to go help my wife right after that. 

Elsewhere, Chilldeed is almost done with Argent Tourney questing, and Chillshot is 84. No arena over the weekend, but hope to get back in the swing this week. 

Arena night

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 21, 2011 by callmechill

Fun but rough night of arena last night. 

Did two teams, and both went about .500. 

Did rogue/mage/priest with Zooe and Oni, with me on my mage. Virtually every team was focusing hard on Oni, and we were having trouble getting enough cc on their DPS to get him some breathing room. We will regroup and go at it again soon, I am sure. 

I also did 2v2 with Kaiser on his hunter and me on my resto druid. Again as many losses as wins, but it didn’t feel too bad. Most losses were from teams simply bursting me down. I checked gear and realized that I don’t have many purples on him.  I will run some BGs and hopefully that problem will clear itself up. 


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on July 20, 2011 by callmechill

Did arena with Skove, 2v2 rogue. We tore it up, going 8-1.

Probably our best win was vs a resto shammy and an afflic lock. Several times we had to have one of us break off, cloak or let the dots drop, bandage and return. Or in one case where the shammy redotted me, I had to let recuperate work for a while. Finally Skove got the shammy low just as I was returning, and we took him down. 

We also had an interesting fight with a hunter and resto druid. Skove was on the druid, as was I, but the hunter got me low. I called it out and vanished, but the druid dotted me and the hunter then followed. 

I retreated to our starting nook hoping to bandage in a few seconds when the moonfire wore off. The hunter followed but had to get close to get LOS. At 10% health I alerted Skove that I was flushed out and followed the hunter to reduce his pressure. 

Skove came across the map and we tore into the hunter. Shortly thereafter, and with a smoke bomb dropped, the hunter fell and the fight was won.  I’m pretty sure Skove had forced the druid to use his healing cooldowns during the time I was retreating to our starting nook, which helped.

Back to It

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on July 19, 2011 by callmechill

Had some limited play time yesterday. Enjoyed a ZA/ZG with Teo, Hyp, Mattie, and Rubb. Also did a random BG with the same guys. 

Then I though I would be back to finish dailies, but ended up catching up on ‘True Blood’ with my wife. Ah well. 

Nothing to See Here

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on July 18, 2011 by callmechill

I was gone this weekend, did not play. Did see the last Harry Potter–excellent flick.