Archive for BM

Resto arena

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on August 16, 2011 by callmechill

Did a ZA random with the guildies. That was good. 

Also did arena with Kaiser’s BM hunter and my resto druid. Went about .500. Good stuff, got my weapon slot items. Major difference, about 500 more spellpower and a lot of other stats. 

I noticed we did fairly well attacking DPSers and cc’ing the healer. Except when the healer was a priest; that tended to give too many opportunities for the priest to Mana Burn me. 

But mostly we saw cleave teams. Wow are there a lot of cleave teams out there. And half seem to be the wildly overpowered ferals, doing 10k DPS with ticks. Yikes.