Scaling the Firelands

Success in raiding this weekend.

Day one we were short, so we got a couple of guildies together and took down Cho’gall and some other older content. Fun and easy. 

Even better was day two. We stepped into the Firelands without even a single piece of trash down. Two hours later, we already had our normal two bosses down AND were taking down Lord Rhyolith for the first time!  Nice. 

Some trash later, and we ended up getting about four attempts on Baleroth the Gatekeeper. I don’t think all of us were fresh on the fight video (I watched it, but weeks ago), and I think we’ll do well when we next go at it. 

It was also a good gear weekend. Chillhand bought valor gloves for tanking, purchased a tanking beck off the AH following a sale of an engineering gun, and got a Scales of Life trink from a lucky trash drop. Plus a couple of ret offspec pieces from boss drops no one needed for main. Wow.

Scales of Life is interesting. It saves up overheals, which you can use once per minute to heal up to 17k. Very nice IF you are being overhealed at least once per 20 seconds–otherwise the ‘Light as a Feather’ buff drops and using the trinket will do nothing. So if you are being healed in most fights it is great; but not all. 

For instance, in Beth’tilac I was up above. Beth hits hard and I was being healed by Teo on his disc priest. So naturally between her crazy hard hits, no other healer in range, and shield healing, I wasn’t being overhealed at all. So only the stam on the trunk was useful at that point-which, being 91 higher than the Symbiotic Worm, is still substantial. 

When it was available, it was nice to know that I could do a solid self-heal every minute or so. I have added a Power Aura WITH a buff timer to use this trinket better. I am also tying to start boss fights with a self-cast overheal. 

Interesting items like the Scales are among the things that, beyond my guild, keep the game fun. 

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