Working on Heroic Shannox

Paranoid took out all of Firelands again.

I got tanking gear-helm off of Baleroc. Pretty much only can get shoulders and shield now from drops, at least until heroics. 

Speaking of, we did attempt heroic Shannox multiple times. Sadly the dog is immune to dazes, though not to slows (thanks, Blizzard, for making no damn sense at all), so I have no way to tank him on heroic. Paladins get a daze with a glyph, but have no slows. And of course the dog is immune to stuns. 

Anyway we switched to Rubb tanking the dog. I switched to Ret. we got the boss well below half a couple of times, but eventually ran out of time. We switched to normal and overran the place.

I also played Champions Online, and enjoyed it a lot. If SWTOR wasn’t on the horizon I might really get into it. Check it out.

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